Help with Drug Intervention – Getting a loved one to accept they need help can be very difficult in some cases. In cases like this we find we get a lot of calls from families who have become desperate about a loved one’s abuse, and have contacted our team for help. We offer intervention to both families and addicts alike.
How does Family Intervention Work?
Help with Drug Intervention – Family intervention works in a way where a member of our team will either phone or go out and talk to families and to addicts who in a lot of cases have broken all communication. We help and support families, let them understand about addiction, and the fears anxiety often found in these situations. Offered is families and addicts hope as we can help them all. Help the families get the truth from the addict and the addicts come clean about the addiction. This way we can all move forward. This also helps the family understand the impact drugs can have and the behaviour shown by the addict over time, thus rebuilding family and addict relationships and finding them the correct help through rehabilitation.
Planning and conducting a drug intervention can be a challenging and delicate process.
Here are some steps to consider when organising a drug intervention:
- Educate yourself: Learn about addiction, its impact, and available treatment options. Understanding the nature of addiction can help you approach the intervention with empathy and knowledge.
- Assemble a support team: Gather a group of close family members, friends, or individuals who care about the person struggling with addiction. Choose individuals who can offer support, maintain a calm demeanour, and avoid enabling behaviours.
- Consult with a professional interventionist: Consider working with a professional interventionist who has experience in facilitating interventions. They can provide guidance, help with planning, and facilitate the intervention process to ensure its effectiveness.
- Plan and prepare: Meet with the intervention team to discuss the purpose, goals, and logistics of the intervention. Each team member should have a clear role and know what they will say during the intervention. Anticipate potential reactions and plan appropriate responses.
- Choose the right time and place: Select a comfortable and neutral environment for the intervention. Ensure that the person struggling with addiction is not under the influence of drugs during the intervention. Choose a time when they are most likely to be receptive and free from distractions.
- Express concern and love: During the intervention, communicate your concerns and express your love and support for the person. Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or judgmental. Share specific examples of how their addiction has affected you and others, and emphasise that the intervention is coming from a place of care and support.
- Present treatment options: Research and provide information about available treatment options such as detoxification programs, residential treatment centres, outpatient therapy, or support groups. Offer reassurance that you will be there to support them throughout the recovery process.
- Set boundaries and consequences: Clearly communicate the boundaries you are willing to enforce if the person does not accept help or continues engaging in destructive behaviours. This may include ending financial support, limiting contact, or other consequences that are appropriate and enforceable.
- Offer immediate support: Have a treatment plan and resources ready to offer to the person during or immediately after the intervention. This can include contact information for treatment facilities, helplines, or appointments with healthcare professionals.
- Follow up and provide ongoing support: After the intervention, continue to offer support and encouragement. Encourage the person to seek treatment and provide assistance in navigating the process. Offer to accompany them to appointments or support group meetings if they are willing.
Remember, drug interventions can have varying outcomes, and the person struggling with addiction ultimately has to make the choice to seek help. Be prepared for different reactions, including denial, anger, or resistance. If the person refuses help or the situation becomes volatile or unsafe, prioritise your safety and seek guidance from professionals who can help you navigate the next steps.
It’s important to recognise that drug addiction is a complex issue, and professional help is often necessary for successful treatment. Consider reaching out to healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or intervention services for guidance and support throughout the process.
Help Groups for Families – Drug Intervention
Help with Drug Intervention – There are a number of help groups for families who have a relative with an addiction. By the family really understanding the problems of addiction and what the addict is facing. This will help the family come to terms with the addiction. I think it is fair to say the families will never be happy with the addiction, but learn to live with the fact a family member has an addiction.
Help with Drug Intervention – For more help and advice on intervention or anything discussed on this page, why not call our team on Tel: 0845 3881 543 or Mobiles call 07811 606 606. We are here 24 hours a day and always look forward to your call. All our team are trained to help you.