Help with Family Intervention – Family Intervention is Totally Confidential. Family intervention is a vital part to repairing families who have been broken apart by a family member or loved ones drug or alcohol addiction. We understand families and friends of loved ones want this addiction to stop as they can see the individual is killing themselves, albeit they have tried numerous tactics and strategies to help them, but to no avail. This can put a family to the point of exhaustion, and really not being to take any more They have run out of options. They don’t know what to do or where to turn to. In some cases at this point the individual may have even asked for help, but in your eyes, it is too late. This is where family intervention comes in.
Help with family Intervention – Family intervention is where a trained interventionist can liaise with the family, and client in such a way as to get the client to agree they have a life threatening addiction, and to talk then round to the idea of seeking professional help in the form of a residential drug or alcohol rehab. Then a date for help can commence. Intervention gets the client to truly accept they have an addiction, and a life threatening problem which needs addressing.
Help with family Intervention – Family intervention also lets the client know that they have the full support from the family as long as they want help, and also lets them know that the family will not be supporting the addiction if they wish not to get help. This will be made very clear at a later date by the family who wish to take up this service.
How does intervention work?
Help with family Intervention – Once you have decided intervention is the way forward for you and your family, then you need to contact us on Tel: 07811 606 606, and will run through the whole process with you. How it works, and what happens.
- We will ask you about the substance and the amount your loved one is taking
- Carry out a small assessment in order to find out the clients details
- Assess the best form of treatment for the client and ways to deal with the addiction.
- Explain to you in full how intervention works
- Agree with you the intervention plan and treatment strategies
- Arrange a good time and place for the intervention to be carried out.
- Continue to work with the family right through and past recovery
Help with family Intervention – Intervention is a very powerful tool which brings families and clients to work through addiction together. It tends to be a very positive experience for all parties with good effect.
Help with family Intervention – What we do at the start of intervention
Help with family Intervention. What we do to start with is to meet for an initial get together. Then and once we all seem happy that we can work together we have a second meeting. In this meeting we discuss your feeling and thoughts about the loved one. Then we all write each other two letters. One letter stating that we will help and support the loved one through their treatment process, and all the emotions and feelings we have for them, and how damaging to us it is to see what they are doing to the life. The other letter stating if the loved one does not wish to get help and go through treatment and instead wishes to carry on their addiction, we will be happy to see them living on the street.
We then all meet up again. Then we ask the loved one whether they would be happy for us to read out our letters. We all read out our first letter stating we would give as much help and support throughout their treatment as they needed. If the loved one still refuses treatment. The the family and friends can read out the second letter. This states that they would not support the addiction or them and would be happy to see them homeless. This is a vital part of getting the message across to the loved one. This is also something a family could not do on their own as it really needs an interventionist on hand.
Planning and conducting a family intervention can be a challenging and emotional process, but it can also be a powerful way to express concern, offer support, and encourage a loved one to seek help for their substance abuse or addiction. Here are some steps to consider when organising a family intervention:
- Educate yourself: Learn about addiction, its impact on individuals and families, and available treatment options. Understanding addiction can help you approach the intervention with empathy and knowledge.
- Assemble a support team: Gather a group of family members, close friends, or individuals who are directly affected by the loved one’s addiction. Choose people who can offer support, maintain a calm demeanour, and avoid enabling behaviours.
- Consult with a professional interventionist: Consider working with a professional interventionist who specialises in facilitating family interventions. They can provide guidance, help with planning, and facilitate the intervention process to ensure its effectiveness.
- Plan and prepare: Meet with the intervention team to discuss the purpose, goals, and logistics of the intervention. Each team member should have a clear role and know what they will say during the intervention. Anticipate potential reactions and plan appropriate responses.
- Choose the right time and place: Select a comfortable and private environment for the intervention. Ensure that the loved one is not under the influence of drugs during the intervention. Choose a time when they are most likely to be receptive and free from distractions.
- Express concern and love: During the intervention, communicate your concerns and express your love and support for the loved one. Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or judgmental. Share specific examples of how their addiction has affected you and others, and emphasise that the intervention is coming from a place of care and support.
- Present treatment options: Research and provide information about available treatment options such as rehab programs, therapy, counselling, or support groups. Offer reassurance that you will be there to support them throughout the recovery process.
- Set boundaries and consequences: Clearly communicate the boundaries you are willing to enforce if the loved one does not accept help or continues engaging in destructive behaviours. This may include ending financial support, limiting contact, or other consequences that are appropriate and enforceable.
- Offer immediate support: Have a treatment plan and resources ready to offer to the loved one during or immediately after the intervention. This can include contact information for treatment facilities, helplines, or appointments with healthcare professionals.
- Follow up and provide ongoing support: After the intervention, continue to offer support and encouragement. Encourage the loved one to seek treatment and provide assistance in navigating the process. Offer to accompany them to appointments or support group meetings if they are willing.
Remember, family interventions can have varying outcomes, and the loved one ultimately has to make the choice to seek help. Be prepared for different reactions, including denial, anger, or resistance. If the situation becomes volatile or unsafe, prioritise your safety and the safety of others and seek guidance from professionals who can help you navigate the next steps.
It’s important to recognise that addiction is a complex issue, and professional help is often necessary for successful treatment. Consider reaching out to healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or intervention services for guidance and support throughout the process. They can provide the necessary expertise and resources to help your loved one and your family through the journey of recovery.
Help with family Intervention – If you would like any help or advice on any of the above then call our team today on: Tel: 07811 606 606. We are here 24 hours a day and we look forward to your call.